Wednesday, April 05, 2006

For Narnia! And For Aslan!

Yall knew this day would come....
The day when The Chronicles of Narnia would come out on DVD and I would go all fanatical and write a bunch of stuff about it.

So just for starters I love this movie and have already watched it twice....Yes..I said it Twice in one day. And can I just say that I get choaked up, nay even cry nearly everytime Aslan does his gracious and benevolent acts. Mainly because it reminds me and convicts me very much of the great cost Jesus had to pay for us. Us who betrayed Him. Great to finally have a movie out of Hollywood that conivcts you in a good way and not in a "man I feel dirty after seeing that" way.

Ok on to my next agenda....everyone go out and buy the movie then come up with your own coat of arms and we will adapt our blog names into names given to "The Knights of the Militant Israel"

So For Israel! And for Jehovah!


Androphenese said...

i watched that yesterday for the first time before it got out of the discount theatre, and i must say i thoroughly enjoyed. possibly my favorite part was the scene of Aslan sacrificing himself. although i didn't shed tears, I was very moved.

i really liked the part when he explained to the two girls about how he was able to come back to life, that was really great.

Lady Godiva said...

The Knights of the Militant Israel?
Darlin' I don't know if you know this but I was born militant. And I'm a spiritual Jew already... so I think I still like my blog name.

Aside: Dude you have to see the apartment Dustin & I signed for today. It's so SWEET!!!

Owl of the Desert said...

You beat me to it...It's definitely on my agenda to buy.

Unknown said...

Did you hear that Godiva! FREE INFADEL SLAYINGS TWICE A YEAR!!! Thats a steal! You need to really take 'it' up on that.