
The chicks dig it.

Embrace the baldness.

The girls

For anyone who didn't get to come to the meeting I'm sorry. It was awesome!!! The singing was great and the preaching was fantastic. I hope all of you who weren't able to come can next year. And singing school is almost here. WOOOHOOO!!!
those pics are most excellent. as was the meeting.
Best weekend ever. I love you guys so much. Trust me the devil has been after me this week for it.
I concurr most assuredly!
me too! Pray for me, finals are approaching and I'm giving up on my abilities quickly
How weird is that picture of all of our hands on andrews head. I mean that looks very mondern art-ish. The rest were cool. Weekend was a blast.
Thats totally my hand on the front part of Andrew's head (the part near his face). I'm like, famous now.
Seriously though, that was a great meeting. So great its worth signing a petition to have it more often. :)
O and on that fourth pic (I almost forgot):
Hello ladies :D
sooo much fun. :)
Those are GREAT pics Adam! I love your meeting! Can't wait until next year. I miss you all so much.
Love you all! Rach
THE FRATT PIC!!!!or...really the sorority pic.....
Newayzzz,all the pics are great!
**The SORORITY (sp?) picture was sooooooo my idea!**
OH WOW, we finally have a 'Chic's Dig It' Picture!
%Scars are HOT!!!%
Cool so if I bang my head against a pole and get a scar, I get the girls. I'll remember that. ;)
embrace the baldness....oh yeah.
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