Thursday, December 08, 2005

Random Bit of a Poem

A Random bit of poetry written in the wee hours of the morning at a time when the brain functions less rationaly and more from the spirit and heart:

" Can a person not love whatever they want?
They say that Love is Blind.
But can't even a Blind Man love something he's never seen?
Or a Deaf Man love a concerto that he's never heard,
Yet he has felt the invisible vibrations of the notes
And each one moved the very chords of his heart.

Can a person not love.....
Is Love bound?
Not by the strongest chains.
Yet if you turn your back on this thing called "Love"
Then it is lost in the Labrynth of the Heart.

Can a person Not love?



LaceyP said...

oh my! that's great! it's...beautiful!

Unknown said...

Well thankyou Lace, who I have not met yet. Glad that you like it.