Interesting title huh?
Good one though. I use it because I am watching "The Hitchiker's Guide to the Galaxy" for the second time. It's pretty hilarious. It's very british which gives it that extra kick of comedy. (British accents seem to do that.) Anyway, I use the phrase Don't Panic becuase it is one of the first reason why the Hitchiker's Guide became a best seller (in the movies world) because it had that printed in large print on the back.
And hopefully, with the assistance of the Improbability Drive, I will be able to get like 20 comments on this movie/book.
Come on people, watch the movie, or read the book which is what I am going to, with a little assitance from Laura, my personal librarian.
Peace out, and Don't Forget Your Towel!
So, you're finally watching it, huh? Ya'll wouldn't watch it with meeee, but...
I'm kidding. And, I will let you borrow the book...once I'm through and I get Chronicles back. Haha. :-)
Remember the answer is 42. I think I'm going to start putting that on my tests when I don't know the answer.
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