"My shoes! My SHOES!
What Glorious shoes!
Their style,
Their flair,
I could wear them ANYWHERE!"

It's ok..it's true.
But never fret, for you can have a pair too!
Oh what an idea! Would you like to try them?
It's ok, I am happy to share.
Go right ahead...slip them on.
No, that's right, no strings to tie.
Just slip them on, you're ready to go.

So start witht he left foot,
The right if you choose.
Put on the next one, that's how this goes.
Now, you're ready to go!
Stand up, give them a try!
Wiggle your toes, rock on your soles.
Don't they feel great!?!
Now take a step to and fro.
Can you feel as you walk,
As light as a feather.
Go down the hall, and up those stairs.
Amazing! Arn't THEY!?!
They almost massage your feet.
They surround your feet, yet you have room to breath!

Wait....what's this?
How DARE YOU! How dare you SCUFF MY SHOES!
I'll smash you, I'll bash you...I'LL SCUFF YOU!

Oh my shoes, my shoes, did he hurt you?
Don't worry he's gone. He's scurried away.
I'll take care of you, I'll polish your wounds,
In no time flat, you'll be good as new.
I love you my shoes, we never will part.
Good night my shoes,
Oh wait.....Are you afraid of the dark?
Im so impressed. That was amazing.
You are way too attached to those shoes. But I do have to say that they are very stylish and that was a pretty good poem.
This is what Adam and I are ACTUALLY learning to do in nursing school! (it's in there with the pediatric stuff!!)
umm, Brett, I would think that would be in pOdiatrics?
But hey, what do I know... ;-)
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