Sunday, December 11, 2005

Goodbye Cruel World!

I call a Time-Out in life just for the next 4 days until Thursday night when I am done with finals.

So until then......


Sylvia said...

hope the studying and the finals go well. I know the headspace.

Enjoy the break between now and the new semester!

Becca said...

what a fantastic idea. i call time out too!

Table of Stone said...

the picture why?

Unknown said...

Why ask why?

Why not ask...Why Not?

Think on that one...

Owl of the Desert said...

My hands are urging to make the 90's "T". Remember that? Someone would say something, and someone would respond..."Woah, dude, 'timeout.'" And they would make a 'T' with their hands...Yeah...I'm so old school.

And to further make my old-schoolness known, I have been listening to Point of Grace in my Portable Cd Player - yes, they still exist. No I-pod for me.

Hope your studying is going well.

Marjoniqua said...
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Marjoniqua said...

That picture of you reminds me of the cover of a magazine I saw once with Avril Lavigne on the front...ick I can't stand that girl.

Life is better in the South said...

Well...we're doing our exams later this week! I'm soooo not happy! ;)

Laura Kathryn said...

A face only a mother could love.

Unknown said...


I love you Kat. Thats hilarious.

joe4444 said...

2 words to say about that pic:

oink oink

Lynn Bruce said...

OK. You're done with finals.

So post something already. Put us all out of our breathless anticipatious misery.

(ps. hope you blasted 'em out of the water!)