I have apparantly been "tagged" by my good brother Ludwig....
So I will indulge the tom-foolery and give you my list..
Forgive me though I am tired, brain dead and am doing this as a break from studying
Seven Things:
..to do before I die:
- Kiss my true love (i get sentimental when I am up late)
- go a whole week without caffenated beverages
- go to Harmony Hill (Holla!)
- go to Texas to get me some Justin boots
- stand on my head, drink and coke while eating pop rocks
- travel to Europe, especially Ireland my motherland
- act worthy enough to be called a Christian
..I cannot do:
- watch the 5 hour Pride & Prejudice
- drink orange juice with pulp
- let a spider crawl on me
- keep my opinions to myself in times most needed to (ha ha ha)
- wake up early in the morning to study before a class
- stop being so charming, witty, and over all good looking (ha....ha.....ha just a bit of silliness)
- drink water out of a glass that recently had milk in it
..that attracted me to my spouse:
- her unique personality
- the little things that she does and only i know about
- the looks she can give that let me know exactly how she is thinking at any time
- her smile
- the fact that she can put up with my brief episodes of egocentrism and selfishness
- the ability to take my mind of whatever cares I have witha hug
- the little world that we share together that no one else is a part of
(I told you I get reeeeally mushy gushy when I am clinically brain dead from studying....so get a tissue if you need one)
..things I say most often:
- Oh my gosh!
- That scared the bajesus out of me
- Wicked awesome!
- Cool Stuff
- Awesome
- Super-cala-fraja-listic-expeala-docious
- Pansy
..seven books I have:
- books? what are those?
- King James Bible (Not a King James Version)
- Sherlock Holmes compilation
- Many a shakespeare plays
- Tartuffe by Moliere (another play)
- Princess Bride
- Boy Meets Girl
- Davis' Drug Guide for Nurses (that ones a good read....blah)
..movies I could watch over and over:
- Singing in the Rain
- Oliver the musical (which i am watching right now...2nd fav!)
- Star Wars 3, 4, 5, 6
- Batman Beginning
- My Fair Lady
- The Lion King
- Top Gun
..people I want to tag:
- Table of Stone
- Owl of the Desert
I love how you changed it from "7 Books I Love" to "7 Books I have." And, where is Chronicles of Narnia...I thought that was a new found favorite?
And...are we definitely going to see that the 17th??? Cause, I can't wait!!!! I'm so excited!!!
Thanks for the tag...I promise I will get around to blogging again soon. I told the Table that you know what time of the semester it is when no one is blogging. Hope your finals are going well.
Chronicles of Narnia is my new found favorite but I didn't count it because I don't really OWN it. And I thought it was seven books you have so....I don't know.
Adam, you have done what was formerly thought to be impossible.
YOU, my friend, are the only one amongst our general blogging, seven-game-playing acquaintance that did not put the long P&P on your seven movies list.
And your heresy didn't stop there, either! You even...sniff....put watching it as one of the things you cannot do!
Oh dear, dear dear.
You call that sentimental!!!
Oh man I LOVE that book, Dimface's Gags for Nursing mothers or whatever it's called. My FAVORITE.
Sorry Fa-so-la,
Just don't believe in a movie that long....Thank you movie industry for putting into a good 2 and a half to 3 hours.
Joe Black - Davis' Drug guide for Nurses is such a good read. I highly recomend it. You'll laugh, mostly cry, but feel fulfilled in the end.
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