Monday, February 27, 2006

When PB's Go Wild!!!!

Yeah...thats right....When PB's Go WiLd!!!!
Myself, Table of Stone, Towapha, and The Jolly PB Giant all road tripped it down to Orlando this weekend for the Flordia Fellowship Meeting. It was AWESOME!
So here are a few pictures for your enjoyment!

And I thought I would throw this picture in there just in case yall were thinking that all we did was play and never went to church. Here is hard core evidence of us at Winter Garden PBC's new church building (which is very snazzy by the way)

On Cocoa Beach at about 12:30 Am. Thought we would go for a little beach trip after the awesome saturday night service.


Lady Godiva said...

HAHAHA!!!!!!!! That's so awesome.

Androphenese said...


Table of Stone said...

Best trip of 2006 ever !!!

Owl of the Desert said...

Ya'll are da bomb.

Cal-el, you did a really good job of making it look like you had really, really short legs. And, I can't believe you really had your finger in your nose. No wait...I can. :-)

Table of Stone, your serious expression in that picture of you, Cal-el, and Elyowenay is wonderful!

Elyowenay, thanks for posting. Great picture of the five of you at the pulpit, too.

Can't wait to see all of you this weekend!!!!!

BirdTrainer said...

HA HA!! That's hilarius. I wish I could of gone but I had to go play a softball tournament which was rained out anyway. I am definatley going next year.

BirdTrainer said...

Oh and how do ya'll like my new proflie pic?

joe4444 said...

When'd yall go on this trip? Looks like a lot of fun. I gotta convince the Memphis folks to go on a trip to a beach somewhere this summer. ;)

birdtrainer- LOL @ your new profile pic, and btw I'm not laughing with you, I'm laughing at you. hehehehe..... :P

Gracie said...

love the second-to-last pic..great. :D

BirdTrainer said...

That first picture shows off your chicken legs very well. They look especially small compared to the 6'8 guy beside you.

Life is better in the South said...

Wow, that's a ton of fun people! It looks like a lot of fun. Dang, I miss da' beach man!