Tuesday, November 08, 2005

Word Verification

Ok ok.....

So i know this is like 2 posts in like 10 mins. But just came across this scenario and found it funny and wondered if you were the same way.

So this word verification thing they make you do everytime you post so that you evade spammers is pretty interesting...BUT how many of you are like me and sometimes even YOU the non-computer animated spammer can't figure out what the letters are!

I spent like 3 or 4 times trying to post something on Ludwig's blog and it kept getting it wrong....I MEAN COME ON!!!


Androphenese said...

the only letter I have a problem with is the small-cased "L" cuz it looks like a small cased "L" and a capital "i"

Unknown said...

Well well...Table of Stone comes out of hiding to cut me down.

Beware Table of Stone "when last we met I was but the learner but now I am the master!"

But like the one its asking me to do right now they put the lowercase L really big and long and next to a v and something else so it looks like it could be L V or M....weird!