Tuesday, November 01, 2005

Loco at El Perico's

Sunday night, as usual, the Sons and Daughters of Zion departed after the Sunday night service and met at Perico's Mexican Restaraunt for their enjoyment of "Authentic Mexican Food".
As usual when we join together in revilry you can expect some sillyness.

Upon hearing that one of the Sons of Zion, Hans Deter, was "converting to Islam" we decided that he would need a new name since Hans Deter was his Christian name.

Hence the dubbing of Islamabad Hasapini-Muhammad

So from now till his posible but unlikely return to Christianity, since he is such a devout Muslim, Hans Deter will now be refered to as Islamabad Hasapini-Muhammad
But since the name Islamabad Hasapini-Muhammad has a lot of letters in it and probable carple tunnel syndrome will occur if we type it repetitively his shortened name is "Izzy"

So here's to you Izzy and blessed success in your adventure as a Redneck Muslim

Till the next time on "Loco at El Perico's"...


Owl of the Desert said...

So that's what ya'll were laughing at... Wait, that was every five seconds. Haha.

Unknown said...

Oh thats not all..but one of the funnier things.

fa-so-la-la said...

Authentic mexican food my eye!

(sniffs an indignant Texas sniff)

Unknown said...

It is! It says so right on the sign!